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Everything is connected.
So many different philosophies have said either these words verbatim or something similar along those lines. The sheer fact that the world and more over the universe is so intrinsically connected is commonly under thought. We already are the culmination of trillions of atoms that are the same everywhere in the universe, no matter if you are a person, animal, plant, planet, star, or even galaxies themselves. They are all made up of atoms. This fundamental fact is what leads most scientists to believe a philosophical aspect of life, such that we are all the same "star stuff". Most people don't even know these, let alone realize the implications of the idea. Think of it of a more philosophical point now. Think of the energy of the universe. Even the emptiness of space has energy, the big bang background radiation. Simple way of saying it really. Compared to the immensely fueled stars, soaring planets, vibrations of the entire universe come together as one. Unfolding to a singular way of life, on any scale.
Everything living or non-living is connected. Though more importantly that means ALL living creatures are united under one system. Interconnecting to each other in many different ways. The circle of life is a belief past down for millennia although it has some truth to it, our bodies decay. Then we are reborn anew as a different person, plant, or form of life. Nothing is ever created or destroyed, only transformed. Our life energy is everywhere, you just have to look for it, and that doesn't just mean in each other, but within yourself as well.
Look deep!
The Four Pillars Philosophy
Aspects of Life
In life there are many aspects that originate from purely YOU, not your environment, not the people around you, but solely your life originates from you. Your decisions, actions, emotions, thoughts, all of them accumulate and formulate what makes you, you. This is very inspiring to think about, for this is the reason why your bad day is bad, or if your good day is good. As simple as that sounds, its a lot harder to think about, your day is what you make of it. Ever see a Buddhist monk smile at a funeral? Because he realizes that you shouldn't be sad that the person has left us, but instead happy that the person was there at all, and that they made an impression onto you in the very first place.
You have to realize who you are, see who you have been, and see who you want to become. That is what your life is and will always will be.
This is why keeping your own life balanced is so crucially important. You must enact your own beliefs and concepts and make them into you.
This is where we created the Four Pillars Philosophy. In each person there is four pillars that bind them, and manifest them. They are:
Mind: Creating a calm and justified, yet sharp mentality is no easy thing, but with practice and meditation it can be done.
Body: This is your vessel through life, you have to take care of it. Workout any way you like, and make sure you push yourself. Try push ups! Nourish well with many nutrient rich foods!
Spirit: Your faith does not have to be to any religion, but it can be purely your belief in yourself, and your abilities. Let your mind wander and your mind to look within.
Emotions: Do not let anger be a seed of corruption or sadness to hinder your joy. You are the master of your emotions.
Each of these are connected and intertwined to one another. If your mind is lacking then your body falters, if you lack enthusiasm or belief in what you do, then your mind is hindered in its options, etc. Your emotions are connected to all three, and can be impacted greatly by them as well.
By balancing the Four Pillars you can create tranquility in your life, and live happily. Some event might bring you down, but you know that it is only temporary, and that you have the power to move on.
Don't falter, don't quit, and don't become unbalanced.