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The People of the U.L.C.

The Four Pillars Philosophy is a United Living Construct created idea, yet on the verge of discussing such a notion it should be said that even though it is unique on its own it is also quite similar to ideologies all over the world.

Using the Four Pillars Philosophy we hope that each and everyone of you can accomplish great things. It was developed to allow you to become the best version of you that you can be, and when that process is started then you have the potential to be an innovator to the world. We call those types of people ULCians. 

ULCian is a term used here a lot to describe the type of people that the United Living Construct encompasses. The three main persona's or "jobs" people in the U.L.C. will become.

They are as follows:

Uniters, for they are the people who bring us together on the large scale, and who just like the Leaders, lead the masses but on a different level. Using both creative and leadership aspects to cultivate a mindset that the masses can follow.

Leaders, the people who direct the decision making flow of the organization. Leaders would tend to use more well refined techniques for leadership. Ones that use the common psychology knowledge and fundamental governmental history. Leaders are the people who propel us to new heights, and take after leading us on the day to day basis.


Creators, the ones who develop and innovate the flow itself, as well as the U.L.C.'s innovative aspects. Creators who develop the world and technology we live in and use.

With both "Leaders" and "Uniters" some might say that they should be one and the same, alas I do so believe that the crucial thought process is different between the two. As the Uniters would use more unconventional means, or in other words a creative path, perhaps derived from Creators, and make a change on a different level than what a Leader could.


There is no government, like what the U.L.C. could create, throughout history that could compare. The systems of old are just that, old. They are inherently faulted, and have been quite obviously so with all of the global economic chaos. Some statistics say that we are doing "better", but that is not a good thing. We need to be doing a tremendous amount better, if we are ever to create a thriving global society. Monetary value is diminished in most countries, inflation runs at abnormal levels, and with the constant influx of bad leaders all around the world. It runs the course of near destruction.

Creating a new society, world dynamics, or even just a new way of thinking, is a ambitious project to say the least. It takes full collaboration with a lot of different moving parts. The fundamentals of government are unknown to a majority of the society, yet in the U.S. that is who is deciding who leads the country? That makes no sense whatsoever. Some of the originators of Democracy in Ancient Greece spoke highly of the importance of self-teaching. The way of the Auto-Didactic life. In order to vote they must have learned the different situations at hand, as well as who is running for leadership.

Makes sense right? Wouldn't have somebody go to the DMV to get a license if they haven't learned to drive yet?

With total understanding we can create a magnificent work of human ingenuity and innovation. With allocating different prospects of creation and leading to different roles than what is commonly recognized(As previously said with three types of ULCians), we can create a newfound type of society. One that can lead the world into a new way of thinking. A new way of life.

Lastly there is actually one last Tier, we call them PolyULCians, for they are the culmination of all three Tiers. Someone who embodies all three types of ULCians in one.

Someone who shows all three types of traits, and follows through in all aspects. Everyone can SHOW the traits, only in rare cases can someone truly embody all of them successfully. Its not to say that someday the organization will mold into a form where everyone is a PolyULCian. I just don't see it happening anytime soon.

Alas this is for another day, simply keep the three in mind. Cultivate strong habits: create, lead, and unite!

About The United Living Construct

The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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