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How Nootropics Helped Me Create the U.L.C.

#nootropics #challenges #determination

My Name is Dustin, the PolyULCian, and this is Story of how I created the U.L.C.

Years ago when I started the U.L.C. I had experience with web design before, but without a lack proper coding knowledge I was limited on what I could do. The United Living Construct as an idea has been with me since I was very young, and the urge to unite world changers was greatly ingrained within me. I used a website called wordpress, the .com version, and it was very constrictive. Preventing anything in relation to the U.L.C. being a platform for change, and limiting the type of content I could put out to mainly just text. This blog lasted for about two years, and only at the end of that tenure had I started taking Nootropics.

At that point is around the time I started taking them at a more regular basis, trying out various supplements to see how they would effect me personally. (Every supplement can be slightly different for each person!) I came across a mentor who inspired me to get back on the hustle with the U.L.C., and after a bit of research I completely rebuilt the website from the ground up. Even starting a U.L.C. Podcast, plethora of Social Media, and getting the groundwork ready for the platform to impact the world.

Recreating the site I envisioned on Wix, so I could express the deepest creativity and user flow experience. I used Nootropics in order to deepen my connection to the creative, as well as execute on the productive!


The Nootropics I Used!

Nootropics are a complicated matter when you look at it as a big picture, with different branches, and types. Overall however if you stick to some of the basics for a while, understanding how they work, how they impact your brain, and learn how your brain works (neuroscience) then you will have a much better time using them. This is actually what I did as I knew that jumping right in without taking precautions could be dangerous. I started small with Ginkgo Biloba, then L-Theanine, which right there will get most people a boost if taken with caffeine. The most basic stack is Caffeine and L-Theanine, to my knowledge that is what I read even then and what I chose to quick start myself with.

Over the course of the few months before the revamp of the site, and for half a year after as well, I spent a lot of time experimenting with different supplements. At the time I worked at a health food store, which gave me a discount on some Nootropics, that being said I tried out: Vinpocetine (Cognition and Mood), Huperzine (Memory and Focus), Phosphatidylserine (Memory), Ginseng (Energy), larger doses of some of the old supplements, and half of dozen other ones. I also purchased some online which gave me a chance to try some of the Racetam family. Those are much stronger, and effect you different mind you, and should be a later thing to try! (However all the ones mentioned before are all natural, Racetams are not!) I started taking Lions Mane, and Shilajit in the past month, and I will say more when I get done testing!

My strategy for testing new supplements is to try and isolate them as much as possible taking a week for each one, maybe a month if you can, to try it on its own, all in order to see how it effects you personally. Perhaps it makes your stomach upset for some reason, or Ginkgo is a blood thinner so maybe its not a right fit for you. Keep in mind your baseline needs to be addressed first, and so throughout this entire time I worked out consistently, and aimed to have a strong diet (As best I could). As well as Choline and Inositol are some basic base line supplements that keep your brain primed. Without them you could have DECREASED focus, headaches, etc. I am talking more towards Choline, as I have had that happen to me when taking Piracetam.

My Stack, Give or Take because of experiments, but is what I use NOW:

Vinpocetine: 5-10mg (I now take 10 regularly, but start it off small as this could be strong)

Huperzine-a: 300mcg (Much higher dose than many people take, perhaps start with 10 or 200mcg depending on product availability!)

L-Theanine: 200mg

Caffeine: 150-500mg (I know not good for you at high doses!)

Ginseng: Various amounts, you can't quite take too much of this unless you are taking liquid shots of it!

Lions Mane: 500mg

L-Tyrosine: 500mg Give or take

Acetyl-L-Carnitine: 500mg Neuro-transmitter support, and is sort of a base line supplement like Choline.

Co-Q10: 200mg

Omega 3-6-9: 1000mg (Mix of all three kinds)

Ginkgo: 120mg (Mix of the leaf extract, and powder)

GABA: 500mg (This one is strong too so be careful, at first it made me sleepy, but after a while it started making me more focused.)

Other Nootropics I've Tried:

Bacopa: Strong, perhaps worth another go, but I didn't feel much when in conjunction with my stack, just really on its own.

DMAE: Limited experience, and usually was in a stack, but it seems to smooth the feelings out overall.

5-HTP: Calming, some people use it for sleep, and can be good in conjunction with other baseline supplements.

Coulracetam: Subtly powerful, but it seemed it was a more memory based supplement like a lot of the others I take, and so it wasn't worth the side effects overall. A different racetam was necessary for me.

Oxyracetam: Now this one was rather cool, and some people put on the same level of Aniracetam, which I still have yet to try!

Piracetam: Base level Racetam (I have been using Noopept which is really similar to this one but weaker), and it gives a subtle boost in cognition and focus, may be worth it after a while, but not right away.

Sulbutiamine: Another supplement with little effect in a stack, on its own it was noticeable, but not strong.

Pregnenolone: Didn't really feel much with this one, in fact I was a little annoyed considering it's price can climb at times, and there seemed to be no particular effect standing out.

Shilajit: Just starting experiment with this one and Lions Mane, both together, isolated, and in my stack. There seems to be some strong synergy involved with them both in my stack. Which makes me really excited. This is a tar that seeps out of the Himalayan mountains, and trust me it is cooler than it sounds. It seems to be a versatile supplement as well, having some longevity properties, and some energy boosting ones too. May be worth a look!


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About The United Living Construct

The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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