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The Five Limitless Effects of Nootropics

The U.L.C. Podcast #14 Mind Pillar, Nootropics

Disclaimer, Everyone is different, and should do their own research in order to accurately understand the risks and rewards of taking Nootropics.

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Nootropics The Risk and Reward

These are supplements that can help improve your brain function, and they are a great way to get an edge over your competitor, or just in your job in general. There are quite a bit of risks involved, especially if practiced improperly, but if you take your time to learn they can completely change how your mind works. All for the better!


Most Basic Stack (What Stacks Are)

Stacks are the formulated combination of Nootropics to better the effect on the user, and the more creative they are with the combination often times make it better. Sadly many companies put together weak stand ins, or create the cheapest product they can put on the market. Making the quality often really low. I have seen some good stacks out there, though they can be expensive, or often out of stock (as is the case of the stack we talk about below).

One of the best things to do is to take the time to learn what each supplement does, and try it, and if it works start getting the isolated supplement bottle of just THAT Nootropic. You often would save money in the long run by buying bigger serving bottles.

The most basic stack is L-Theanine and Caffeine, which almost counter each other out, but essentially makes the perfect combination for focus. It is actually what causes tea to often be better for than coffee, as L-Theanine is often found IN TEA. I would just buy a bottle of the latter, then combine it with a cup of joe or tea of choice (green or black), or whatever source you use. As someone who liked energy drinks in the past, do your best to stay away from them. If you find yourself in the need of one however Nos generally has less acid, and the best value for your buck in the caffeine and vitamin department. It actually used to contain L-Theanine in it as well.


Different Brains, Different Combinations

Still whatever you get out of this podcast, blog post, workbook, or whatever content you see on here keep in mind that what works for us may be different for you! This is good cause what doesn't work for us, may just end up working out for you! Your brain is unique, almost like your fingerprint. Take care of it because it is a muscle too, make it strong with stimulation, or it will wither and cause Dementia and Alzheimer's.

Take care of your mind and you will end up staying sharp even into old age, and Nootropics have the potential to improve that longevity!!

Your mind is a sanctum, and what you put in there will stay forever, take the time to nurture your intake, and output only good things to others.


Commonly Used Nootropics

Overall there are many different types of Nootropics, and there isn't enough time today to talk about all of them, even in the Podcast too! Though I will try to talk about more here than there since it is easier to be concise. There are a lot of things to consider when buying Nootropics, but one thing people often forget about is support. They go out looking for brain BOOSTERS, but forget that you can't boost anything if you aren't a strong baseline. Meaning if you are deficient in anything, then a boost is not going to help you.

Getting your nutrition right first will make a big difference in the long run! Some things such as Acetyl-Choline levels in the brain, or hydration (especially electrolytes like potassium and magnesium), make a big difference when trying to improve Mind Pillar performance.

Many Choline supplements include Inositol as well, both are a great start to improving your mind state. Other common things to keep in your stack is Omegas 3-6-9, depending on what level of seafood intake you have, as well as your brain's own fat. These fatty acids can do wonders for the longevity of your mind.

Besides some of the base level stuff, there are some other commonly used items like Gingko for focus, kava kava for stress, ashwagandha for stress, and Lions mane for overall performance (just recently picked some up to try out actually).

Now one thing I would completely avoid for a while, until you are fully ready to move on from basics, are Racetams. These are more synthetic compounds made to improve mental performance, but can be really hard on you if you are not used to it, and can drain choline levels if you are not careful. Mainly just causing a bad headache, but can lead to worse side effects later on.


What I am Currently Using

Note these are Affiliate links (Always full-disclosure!)

Cognition, mood, and focus come to mind when taking this supplement. It originates from an extract of a seed. The overall feeling of it can be brought on rather quick. Some supplements can take their time to take into effect, others are quicker.

A very simple supplement, often found in tea, that helps quell the stimulation of caffeine, as well as just calm you on it's own.

A great memory booster, and has shown some promise in the realms of Alzheimer's and Dementia, although there is no true cure besides just taking care of your Mind Pillar!

It has such a versatile Stack of Nootropics, that I was surprised that the only one it lacked that was common is Huperzine. This is pretty unprecedented in the sheer amount of stuff packed into one stack. However the dosage is four freaking pills, which is pretty large for a stack, and honestly makes the bottle go by really quick. For the price it was about even for when you buy all those various Nootropics in isolated form, but it sort of could get expensive if you think about how two whole bottles only lasts you a month. Meaning about $60-70 a month, which could be really cheap compared to some, but if you buy bottles in bulk such as a three month supple of Vinpocetine its only about $12 on average, other supplements can be $30-50 per month, but it really all depends on what you get. Do not let this fool you however, as the great feeling you get from taking these, and level of cognition boost you get is very worth it. I have been taking Nootropics for almost four years off and on, I took a break to see what stuff was effecting me and how.

The best lesson you can get out of this is to experiment! Try only one new supplement per month, or at the VERY LEAST per week. Giving you enough time to estimate how it impacts you!


Given all of this still I implore you to do your own research on ANYTHING you go after. It will not only help you, but perhaps save you from some adverse problems. Generally that is a good rule of thumb for life actually!

About The United Living Construct

The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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