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Create Our Tomorrow

This is a Dual Post, with the other half on Medium!

Why the Future is in our Sights

Despite this wonderful quote we are driven towards the future, and the reason why is that everyone is different yes, but in order for the world to have peace some people need to set aside their personal peace in order to prepare for the future. Those people are the ULCians of the U.L.C. at least to some degree. We can be more at peace in our personal lives, but professionally we need focus on developing and innovating the future, and establishing a baseline for the world to follow.

This is rather disappointing to some as it may induce fear of the stressful life it may entail, but again look at the image above, if you are anxious then you are STUCK in the future. In your own life it is best to be more present in the current moment, living your life fully.

It is imperative that some people set aside some comfort (We just made a post even about how life isn't comfortable!), and focus on creating the future that the world wants to live in. We cannot sit idol and expect the greatest to happen, in fact if we just sit here more than likely the WORST will come to fruition. We need to act in order to have the future we want! (We as in the human race).


How to Create a Better Tomorrow

How do we go about making a change in the world, let alone our own environments, when the situations have escalated for so long? Well the truth is simple, try and start. Though as the great Yoda once said "There is no try, just do.", and so that leaves you with just start. Go to your local office and see what issues are needing to be tackled, try inducing sustainability in your hometown, try leveraging your skills for others to create compassion and the pay it forward mentality.

Just simply find a way to make the lives of the people around you better, and aim for great heights, and most of all share your progress with the U.L.C. we can't help if we don't know what is going on!

There are plenty of ways of doing this from our Forum (You need to sign up for a free membership to access!), Social Media (An account on every major platform), email, and even our own Network!


What does Tomorrow Look Like, Feel Like, or Even Smell Like?

The Future is looking bleak.

Most of all with the rise of climate temperatures and changes the overall environment is going to change drastically, societies are collapsing and we are doing nothing about it, and all out war is totaling the future if we ever get to even see it.

This is not looking good, but here is what it COULD look like if we started to change our ways, and our minds! Imagine waking up from your gloriously soft bed, looking around in a windowed room overlooking a bright sunrise, illuminating the great city in front of you. With people already starting to scurry about doing their day to day activities, robotic transportation machines guiding people to their destinations, a cafeteria where sustainable food is harvested and freshly prepared for the whole district to consume at, and really the closeness of the city is the biggest thing. Despite it being maybe a few hundred thousand people living in it, there is a great level of inter-connectivity.

This future is currently unlikely while still on this path, but it is the future we see, and the one we will stop at nothing to create peacefully!

Here is a link to the sister post of this article! Medium Blog

About The United Living Construct

The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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