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How WE can change the world

We CAN make a difference!

How it is important we start ASAP

Imagine this, you are looking out your window at the city skyline, there is green along side the towering buildings, cars zooming by below all automatic, the sea line boasts many wave-power converters, and wonderful citizens of all ethnicity walking about. This is the possible beautiful future ahead of us, one that can be a reality if we give it our all. Not only that, but could even be even better the quicker we act towards making it real. The earlier we begin the farther along we can go in our lifetime.

How we go about this is complicated at best, but it is manageable at the level we need to do it. At this point though we aren't even at step one, as we haven't even truly started at making these developments happen.

The world is well behind self driving cars, the populace still has ignorance on the world around us, and most of all the leaders of the world are not facilitating growth. Just aggression between nations, and this isn't just talking about Trump, but pretty much most leaders all over the world. There is just not enough people being proactive about our future as a species, everyone is reactive to the circumstance. The problem is that circumstance can change, and more than likely will.

We need to tackle all of these issues, goals, and change making endeavors as soon as possible to even get a glimpse of that aforementioned future.


Maximizing the Change Potential

We always say that every person has the potential to make a change in the world, and what we mean by that is literal change. Being able to step up in your current environment to change the city around you. Making a stand for sustainable energy, growing your own foods if possible, and most of all changing the mindsets of the people around you.

This may seem daunting, but once you get past the fear of rejection of the people you talk to it will get much better. Just always keep in mind you are acting for the human race as a whole. Despite it being "small scale" as they say, it ALL adds up, and will contribute to the #makeachange movement!

We need you to stand up for what you believe in, and most of all change your mindset to that of unification. Do not let personal bias cloud the opportunity we have. Some people may have opinions about other people, the thing to remember is that we are all one race. No doubt about it, it is our biological imperative to unify and consolidate. It will bring us to new heights, and greater success.

Once these are set, then the amount of change you can make will increase dramatically. There are always ways to improve yourself, and when you do that you are better fit for being able to change the world! "Be the change you wish to see in the world!"

"The best path is often the one that is least traveled upon."


Changing the way we think, and approaching our lives with a Self-Developed version of ourselves leads to a newfound life. A life that will be much more fluid in the way of mindset, and achieving our respective goals!

Being able to start on your #makeachange in your area, allows you for more fluid dynamics in the manners of convincing others. It is just a matter of changing people's minds, then applying the teachings and knowledge from here to the mindsets of others. This isn't a religion, cult, or anything of the sort. Just a group of people united under the passion for the world, and the heart of making a positive impact. THIS the very premise of the U.L.C. making a change. Both on the personal level (Self-Development), and global level (World Unity), through ideology (Philosophy).

These weekly podcasts are created each Saturday with these three things in mind! Please do check them out!


Creating the Future of the World

Visualize yourself in the future we told at the beginning, no matter your background you can help achieve this, and most of all be a part of something bigger. The U.L.C. is meant to be a platform for people like you to come together. All of us together have a chance at convincing the world that something NEEDS to change. If you have any questions on why or how, please reach out to us, or to me in particular even! -Dustin

We have forums, plethora of social media, and even our own network!

Come create the future with us, on any level, just aid our journey to a new era!

About The United Living Construct

The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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