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Open Yourself to the Beauty of the World

There is an outstanding beauty all around us with the dawn of new age there is a hindrance to our vision of the world. We see what the screen displays in front of us, instead of looking outside of the screen to the world beyond.

We belong to something new in this world. We are the future of the world here at the U.L.C., and all of you reading at home. Despite that we have grown so much, there is still such a vast distance ahead of us. This means our potential is immensely massive, and yet not impossible.

The reason why I have my passion in life is that I envision this new world ahead, this endeavor, and the future of the United Living Construct every single day. I can't wake up without first thinking of it. I can't go throughout my day without making some sort of progress towards this future. Most of all I can't breath until I get the U.L.C.'s path flowing. -Dustin

Despite our growth this is just a dream at this point, a dream that will change the very course of human history, and it is not to say that it is some sort of revelation. Literally what the U.L.C. does is take the greatest information, knowledge, and wisdom from throughout history and apply it. Innovate it, and live by it.

There is no reason that after thousands of years of philosophy that a majority of the world's population either hasn't even discovered any of it, or that they do not practice it. Buddhism for example is a very simple base philosophy, sure there are more advanced concepts, and even extremists, but when you look at the basic practice there is a level of beauty within itself. This is why the Dalai Lama even has said that it is not a belief, and that it can tact onto any religion. If anything they will learn that they may like it more as a spiritual belief, or it enhances it. It is all relative, but the point to make is to establish a philosophy with everyone.

You don't control your life, you experience day by day, and the better prepared you are is what is going to allow you to experience more. This is the idea behind looking at the beauty around you. Before you know it, it may be gone.


This is where Self-Development comes in, and mind you this is a Philosophy post not SD, but this just goes to show that they are all connected. To be the most prepared you need to be in a state of harmony with yourself. This means that you have no regrets, and those could even be as simple as "I wish had worked out yesterday", if you had then you wouldn't regret it. Reaching this potential is as simple as doing all that you want yourself to do in one day. For example I haven't been able to make Podcasts for almost a month now because I hadn't fixed my technical issues fully. The fact that I am writing this post means I have been making progress, the computer that broke couldn't even turn on, let alone make audio. At this stage it can only turn on, so I need to make the audio next! I have been hard on myself because I want to provide as much content for the U.L.C. as I can. It may be partly out of my control, but there still could be steps for me to take. Meaning I need to achieve those in order not to feel regret.

Imagine this, if every one on the planet would start practicing this simple philosophy. To not regret, by doing anything that you would have regretted not doing. Or inversely not doing anything you would regret. This would alleviate many people's LIFE problems, let alone daily happiness, and less depression all around. #noregret

This world would be massively more peaceful than it is now. This is just ONE philosophy, one that for the most part I only thought about today and yesterday. That is not to say it hasn't been around for ages now, and there are great philosophies just like it everywhere. We just need to have the personal curiosity to go out and discover it ourselves. It can't be forced, it won't stick, and that wouldn't be kind. If we can influence people, guide them, and as we said before be "Beacons of Light" then we bring people up.


It is amazing, not in the good way, that people deal with some of the most primitive parts of our lives. Anger, sadness, and hatred on a daily basis. Recently I got more irritable, and particularly angry at one point, which almost never happens. Ever. It shocked me that it even happened, let alone that I was capable of it. That is the thing though, despite growth and discipline, we are all prone to feeling. We are all prone to mistakes, it is just our job however to minimize the amount we make.

About The United Living Construct

The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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