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The Future of Society with the U.L.C.


As a sister post to the one on Medium I want to talk about how the United Living Construct is planned in the future. That post can be found here: The Future of Society

Tech for the Future

We are on the verge as a species of making a unchangeable mistake. I cannot say for certainty what that mistake will be, war, nuclear winter, or simply chaos. The fact of the matter is that we are projected to hit a downfall, and I for one cannot stand for this.

The level of separation we have right now as a planet, not just society, but even technologically and ideologically. The absurd thing is that people are fighting over multi-thousand year old ideologies. It does not matter if someone believes in a different God, or gods. This will not affect our future, unless we allow it to. If we continue down this path then it will, we have politicians making authoritarian level decisions with religion as the culprit. This is not allowed, as the country (even world now), was founded on the separation of church and state.

This is causing biased decisions in an already malfunctioning government. Sadly this isn't even our biggest problem, its terrifying to think that it is one of the smallest.

We have people all around the world who are STARVING to death, even in a country with high levels of obesity. The absurd ratio of food consumption, and waste is getting into insane proportions. The U.S. alone throws away 60 million tons of food every year.

We have people dying of basic diseases in third world countries because the companies selling low cost drugs do not feel that there is a market in that region, withholding the treatments because of money.


The future is full of wonders, and possibilities of innovation. The problem is we are not on the path for THAT future, we are on the path of a dystopian future. One that will be worse than George Orwell's 1984, and it will be horrifying.

We need to start making a change in the world on every level, and that is why the U.L.C. created the Four Pillars Philosophy, so that you can change your life on the personal level. The World Unity portion of the site is dedicated to combining the progress of your individual growth, with substantial changes in the world.

The world is a beautiful place if you know how to see it, but it is losing that beauty year after year due to our actions as a species. Let it be known when I say species I mean our race. The race of humanity, the race that is scientifically based. We are one race, just one, that is Homo-Sapiens. When people refer to race in the casual context, they mean the difference in skin, but the absurd thing is that it was constructed by slavers. Race as the population uses it is false, it is a social construct created by racists. The problem is racist doesn't scientifically work in this case, but as a society we created it to work. Ethnicity refers to where you are from in the world, and what culture you employ, and it really is the reason why someone has a different skin. Who cares about skin though? All it refers to is a different level of melanin in the skin. Oh your ancestors spent a bit more time in the sun, yeah that really makes someone different than me.

When you approach all of these conditions scientifically it becomes so absolutely ridiculous that it is staggering that it lasted this long.


We need to rebuild the world from the ground up, and with the technology we have now we can do that within a decade. That is a meager amount of time to completely change the world.

We need to be highly innovative, creative, and collaborative to accomplish this feat. If we can all be working together at our highest creative states, then we can create a society fully conducive to the world's needs. That is what the United Living Construct is for, the first and foremost reason. Bring people together, creating an environment for innovation. This can be a hub of change and innovation. We would be able to tackle the spread of disease, the world wide starvation, and the constant crying for power. That is what these "super" power countries are doing, crying for power. They do not want to change the world because they simply want to get more money, and territory.

The urge to expand territory is an age old primitive mindset. It gave us new reasons to innovate, but now that we have the possibility to be more advanced minded. We can solve problems, be innovative, all without the drive for conquering. I fear that this will be the biggest hurdle for world change, as it would mean some people would have to give up power, or at the very least change the way power works in the world.

This is not a bad thing, even for them, as it would make their lives much more happy, and they would not deal with the tremendous stress they are under now. The problem overall lies in execution not in what we need to do. People are simply not wanting to reach a bit out of their comfort zone.

This being said all of you reading this are on the right path, and will help the U.L.C. accomplish it's goals. Our goals.

About The United Living Construct

The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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