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Confidence in the Face of Darkness

Confidence is a funny thing, for it can be too much (arrogance) or too little (weakness). The line between the two is microscopic, and the challenge of keeping in balance is enormous.

The drop from confidence makes you depressed, irritable, and self-conscious. These are not good feelings at all, and they start a detriment to your life. The power of sheer will can cause someone to accomplish great things. You simply need the confidence to start that first step towards it.

The power of confidence allows you to face anything, no matter what level of adversity you face. The secret that everyone doesn't realize is that the power is truly inside of you, and you don't even know it. The power to be a happy, confident, and positive force is right there for the taking. Being able to tap into that will allow you to grow in numerous ways.

Darkness and turmoil are going to always be in your way, it is the way of nature and life. Do not let this discourage you, for light and survival is equally prominent. The choice is yours to fight or flight. You'd be surprised how easy it is to fight the challenge ahead, the real kicker is the making the choice to fight in the first place. Most people simply believe that they are too weak, or not strong within enough to win. This is their lack of confidence speaking NOT their true potential.


Starting to #makeachange within yourself is not an easy task, it takes determination to create the willpower. You CAN make a difference not only in yourself, but in the world too.

Balancing the Four Pillars is good place to start.

  1. Mind: Calm the overactive thoughts that plague your potential, and hinder the good ideas from coming into fruition. (Meditating helps with this)

  2. Body: Create the physical strength to literally walk the walk, and challenge your body to new heights. (Working out of course is the path to follow here, but if weight lifting isn't your thing, simply try doing push ups and planks every day. Build up your endurance)

  3. Spirit: Spirituality is a crucial part of life, which is exactly why religions were formed in the first place. Now you don't need to believe in some faith to be spiritual, and simply learning from philosophy can nourish your soul. (Try looking up philosophers like Aristotle, Thich Nhat Hanh, Alan Watts, etc.)

  4. Emotions: Finally we come to the bridge of the pillars. Most people don't realize that emotions are a fundamental part of life, as they come and go so quickly. The true power of your emotions comes from the impact they have on your body. Anger and happiness raise your temperature, whereas sadness and depression lower it. Anger is normally a "bad" thing, but it can be a catalyst to true passion. Now that is what anger is truly for, and using that to fuel your pillars is a smart move!


This is a very well known Youtuber name Thomas Frank, he creates quite valuable content on a variety of topics. Even created an educational channel full of great information. For today we are looking at his main channel, with a video in particular on confidence. He does very well on explaining the simplistic approaches it takes to become more confident in everyday situations. As well as the more specific situations, such as presentations.

This should help anyone with the level of confidence for basic life, and intermediate situations. If there is some certain situation that calls for higher levels of information, feel free to contact us through social media, or even by email at !

Challenging yourself to new heights may be a difficult task at first, but it does get easier we can assure you! There is a fundamental process to it all, and the term "faking it until you make it" really does put it into perspective. The great thing about confidence is that it CAN be faked, and over time you just start to believe it. Then it becomes real!


Take this philosophy talked about here, and use it to create the inner confidence that you need to thrive in this world. Take it and challenge the entire world, for nothing is as strong as a confident human being.

About The United Living Construct

The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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