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A World of Service

The path of the United Living Construct, and the path of all the people like you who are coming along for the ride, is a path of innovation and greatness.

The very second you decide to join us for the progress of humanity, is the second your life will change forever. We are the passion driven company made from the backs of the greats before us. Every single successful endeavor on the planet was a remix of something great in the past. Take YouTube for example, it is a platform dedicated to provide media for the masses. You know what else had that exact same description? TV. Yes, the television market was one of the biggest and strongest platforms for reaching the people of any nation. YouTube took the place of TV in everyday life.

We create all of our content with the intent that every single post, podcast, video, etc can help at least someone. It could be as simple as providing a basic level of motivation, to literally being the one thing that changes their entire life, and everywhere in between.

Please understand this concept of dedication we have for you all, and the products or services we provide (meaning any sort of content) will all be made with this intention in mind!


We are going to talk about the types of content we provide.

We had started from just a blog of a 100 followers to what we are now, and we can never stop creating blog posts. It is perfectly ingrained with our world development, and self-development ideologies. Truly to stop now would be a crime! Meaning always feel free to look forward to new blog posts from us!


We create weekly podcasts to deliver valuable information on the Four Pillars Phillosophy, and World Change. We give you ways to act upon the information provided, and give you a really versatile format that you can listen to anywhere! Even when you are working on your Body Pillar in the gym!!



We already stated earlier just how important YouTube is, and of course intend on making great videos for you all! Currently we are working on a few videos to start us out! Check it out soon!!

Monthly magazine workbooks to make it that much easier for you to start Self-Development in your life. The first series we are putting out is focused on the Four Pillars. With each book building upon the one before, so make sure you go in order! Though they are self contained in a way that if you were to start in the wrong order it wouldn't mess you up! Keep up the great work, and there will be a plethora of these so keep looking out! Subscribe today to get the second workbook completely free!


An e-book dedicated to all things United Living Construct, and the people in it! (ULCians) We have formulated this cohesive block of information into a smooth easy to read book. We want to give the people who prefer reading over videos a chance too!

Online Course:

A course delivered in a easy to understand format, but high quality information and design! Creating this is extremely exciting for us, and we hope you get as much out of it as we do if not more!

Social Media:

We create stellar content wherever we go, and we go to a lot of places. From Pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, to Triberr and Instagram!


Eventually we will do one on one consulting as well, which is planned to be based on Self-Development in your life! Currently we are focused on providing all of the other content for you. Including over a dozen different social media sites, and 6 different forms of content on our site! We love helping you, and want you to grow as a person. We may not provide consulting just yet, but you are ALWAYS welcome to ask questions to our email:


The U.L.C. is a construct of ideas formulated in a unique way, and created for the purpose of change. The only goal we have is to change the world, more over to change the world in a practical manner. To say we want to change the world doesn't mean anything, as it is just hot air. However if we follow the mindset of changing the world one way at a time, in smaller areas, then overall whole will be change by proxy.

We already love helping people, and we realized that if we started helping people on the smaller scale, and start improving their lives, then the overall whole would be improved. Not only do we get to do something we greatly enjoy, but it helps towards changing the world!

No longer are each and every one of you alone in the course of Self-Development. It is interesting to think about going after "SELF"-Development with the help of others. Honestly it actually makes sense, as yes it will be always an internal process, and would have to come from the person on their own. Yet the process of doing that can be alleviated with the help of others!

We hope this post inspired you to go out and #makeachange in your life, or even the world! Take the resources we provide here and use them as a catalyst for change!

About The United Living Construct

The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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