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Four Pillars: Spirit

Spirit Pillar

The Spiritual Pillar

Spirituality is a complicated subject, and for most people they default to religion when thinking about it. One point should be made from the get go is that you don't have to be religious to have spirituality. This not to discount any religion by saying this, but too many people can become blinded by religion. Conversely there exists many enlightened people from a wide range of religions and beliefs.

Spirituality in it's basic sense is the connection between your mind, and the inner being within you. Some say a soul, or Atman. That inner being is intrinsic to your personality and being, and when it is ignored you become disconnected from yourself.

For those who are atheist here is a point to make to you. It is fine that you don't believe in a God, or deity, but can you answer me this "Do you not feel a mystical aspect of yourself that you cannot explain?". Whatever your answer please comment below!

The Spirit Pillar is one of the more grounded Pillars for it cannot change very easily, which means in either way. What I am saying is that it cannot get damaged or healed very easily, and takes time to change it's state. Where your Body and Mind can start to be forged over a few weeks, it might take a few years for your Spirit Pillar. Do not let this discourage you as over time when you become more align with yourself it becomes easier to see when something is astray (such as an emotional disturbance causing Spiritual decline for example). Still takes time to fix, but the detection is easier over time!



The imbalances in the Spiritual front can range greatly, for some can be quite noticeable and others not so much. Chakras are spiraling orbs of energy that exist in your being. They are simply represented in this way, for they can be complicated to comprehend in more spiritual terms.

Changes in your Chakras have an innate connection to each aspect of your life. When a certain one is blocked it hinders your spiritual progress, and can interfere with your own life.

I quite like the 7 Chakras explanation as shown above, for it simplifies the basic nature of energy flow within the body. -Dustin

This picture above rather over simplifies the ideas in each one, but lets take it to the next step. Each ball of color represents a certain Chakra and each with their own pool of energy. Almost like wheels or gears churning the energy around in each spot. When some aspect in your life has blocked the flow (such as emotional stress, physical trauma, or mental instability, or mental degeneration), then the flow is cut off. Preventing the harmony of the body. This point right here ^^^ is why the Spirit Pillar is so important, as to keep a balance between all Pillars then this one is the one that helps bridge them together.


What You Can Do

Lets start off with how to attain balance within yourself. There is an explanation in a video here that great defines each Chakra.

In that show the underlying philosophies scattered throughout the show was immense. Far greater than what a kid might actually understand.

I remember watching that particular episode for the first time, and being totally engrossed in what Guru Pathik was saying. Now I didn't start meditation until I was towards the end of my teenage years (sadly!). -Dustin

Now its not that you unlock one Chakra and move on, as even previously unlocked Chakras can get blocked again. Which will happen a lot of the time with the Root Chakra. Which is based on survival (Think fight or flight instinct).

The basics would be to find comfortable place to sit and cross the legs, place your wrists on your knees, hand gestures aren't crucial right now so don't worry. Simply focus on keeping your eyes closed, take a deep breath and think. Some say to clear your mind, don't do that. It is much better when you can deeply think about different aspects of your life. Especially when they coincide different Chakras.


Keeping Balanced

Keeping balance simply has to do with practice, same goes for the other Pillars. In order to temper the strength of the Pillars you need consistent practice. Ideally everyday is always best, but come on that is unpractical for most things. At the very least do everyday at least two Pillars. Mind, Body, Spirit, or Emotions. To work on two of them if not more will increase your progress much quicker.

Keeping trying on the meditation and over time it will get easier and easier. Or more specifically you will get more patient .Then you will see an effect from doing it!

Thanks for reading and look forward to the final post coming soon!

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The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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