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How You Fit into the Future of Humanity

The Prelude of the United Living Construct

This blog in of itself is a humble start to something truly great and expansive. We hope to create a unique way of life that you can easily implement, yet it makes the world just so much better. Meaning YOU can change the world. This idea may seem radical at the moment, but over time it will just get easier and easier to live in general, and it will create sustainability. We as a planet desperately need change. Maybe a drastic one or maybe something simple, either way the point is there

We talk a lot about how the world needs peace, yet we do not discuss how we can achieve it.

The idea of paying it forward. You do a simple kindness (like paying for a stranger's meal), and tell that person in return to spread the kindness to three other people. Eventually that can easily lead into the thousands of people.



What do you think makes a good government?

There are so many problems with how the world works right now, it is almost too easy just to lose hope, but there will come a day where WE WILL have the power to #makeachange and WE WILL. There are several aspects of government that we need to focus on such as: sustainability, over-powered leaders, money fluctuation, and the separation of church and state.

These were some of the founding concepts that created the United States, but we have fallen away from our original aspects. I deem that we create a new social order. One that will initiate a new government, a government the world has never seen. Think like Plato's Republic or More's Utopia.

This post will only work if each and every one of you tell me what does government mean to you, and how can we improve it?

What the United Living Construct IS.

I made this page with one goal, to share knowledge in all its forms and to create a group of well-minded people. Together we can accomplish great and wonderful things in the world. We have a lot of strife in the world and I hope one day we can change that.

It is growing increasingly more apparent how separated, and corrupt our world has become. Not to say that there isn't good people out there, in fact most people are good they just don't show it. I have create the United Living Construct or U.L.C. for short to not only inspire people to be the best they can be, but to also unite us in a path of the future.

At the moment it is merely a social concept, a concept of creating a group of like-minded individuals. This group will lead the path of our planet's future and go to great heights.

I truly believe in the potential, and I want to spark this in all people. Once this spark shines we can unite in life. We will construct a beacon of hope for the world to look to, and cultivate a way of life that would guide the very future of the human race as a whole.

How We as the U.L.C. are Going to Change the World


“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” -Steve Jobs

This lovely yet eccentric quote captures exactly what we are. The people who although think outside the lines, are going to be the ones who change the entire world. #makeachange We are the generation that is going to color outside the lines and create a piece of art, competing with Van Gogh (metaphorically). The United Living Construct is, at the moment, a social community concept. That at its inception it is aimed to be far more, as the U.L.C. is bound to be a physical construct where people can live together in harmony and where innovation thrives (hence the "Construct" in the name). To get there we need to follow these rather simple steps:

1. We need to expand. One of the reasons this blog started was to spread the awareness of the U.L.C. so that each and every person can participate. Even if you simply contribute an idea, that very idea may be the cascading concept that gets us to the goal. Our expansion will start solely online, eventually into live meetings, and products (i.e. Four Pillars Workbook) to get us on the map.

2. Once we are in the sights of the public sectors of the world, then we can move onto bigger endeavors. One of which is to continue our movement, for to make a change we need to spread the seed of compassion in every place possible.

3. Finally with step three we will start to change the way the infrastructure works, for the public will realize the path that we are on as a planet. If we don't change we are destined to destroy ourselves. This being said there is plenty of opportunity to redeem. WE CAN and WE WILL.

The World Craves Change

Be that change!

About The United Living Construct

The U.L.C. want’s to unite people from all over, all ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, and abilities. This way we create a group unlike any other previously created throughout history. We have the ability of instant communication, which can be a tool of massive proportions. —- With this idea in mind we implore you to consider the sheer change that we all can make.

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